Cochrane Advanced Systematic Review and Meta–Analysis Workshop 26 – 27 February 2016
Cochrane Advanced Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Workshop 26 -27 February 2016, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore
Following our first successful Cochrane Workshop on the Basic Systemic Review last year, SCRI has conducted an advanced follow-on training, Advance Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis Workshop, which is first of its kind in the region for clinical and public health researchers, healthcare professionals and policymakers who want to move beyond systematic reviewing of parallel-group randomized control trials (RCT). It aims to enhance healthcare knowledge and decision-making, which is critical for practicing and teaching Evidence-Based
The speakers include A/Prof Edwin Chan, Dr Shi Luming, Dr Fahad Siddiqui, Dr Nisa De Souza, Dr Dianne Bautista and Dr Charles Zheng from SCRI.
The workshop provides a mixture of interactive presentations, small-group discussions, and hands-on computer exercises that enhances delivery of the course where participants learn the advanced knowledge in literature search and reference management, design and analysis of NRCTO, advanced literature search risk of bias appraisal and meta-analysis of NRCTO using latest methods developed by international experts. A total of approximately 20 participants from various public institutions attended and benefitted from the workshop.